Survival is not about the duty to stay alive. We make
ourselves smaller than we are because we think we have an obligation to stay
alive in a system that was invented to imprison us. Because our parents worked
by the sweat of their brow to provide for us, we think we have the duty to do
the same. That is what grown up responsibility is all about – forgetting the
playfulness of being a child in favour of being burdened down by financial
responsibilities. If you survive in the system then you get a medal for being
one of the strong. You might even be rewarded with the label of success. We
slave our lives away in order to make it to “the” top. But the top as we know
it was invented fairly recently. It is dull, unimaginative and does not do
justice to the miracle of creation.
Similarly, we justify our society in terms of the “survival
of the fittest” discourse. We think it’s natural and a basic requirement for
evolution. Yet I wonder to what extent the observer effect is in play here.
Looking at nature, do we choose to see that all species struggle to survive,
that survival is the right of the strong? Do we miss the cooperation in nature
because we see only that which reflects our own mindset? Do we fail to see the
cycles in all things, the wonder according to which all things cooperate as a
whole? I cannot speak on behalf of the animals. But I imagine that when they
fight for survival they are motivated by life itself, the instinct to cling
onto the thread of one’s existence for the sake of love. How much of the
behaviour of other life forms can be attributed to a struggle for survival rather
than the species just being itself?
We only need to look around at the beauty on earth and in
the sky to understand that we are capable of more than the dullness of reality
as we have created it. Perhaps it is insane to suppress our need for soul,
imagination and miracles. Can we look up at the sky and trust the Life Force
that brought the universe into existence? No human hand can replicate such
wonder if we deny our connection to all that exists. Seeing the beauty in creation,
I’m wondering if we can look at ourselves with different eyes. The miracle of
the stars is in us and we need to honour it. Our duty is not to continue the
legacy of the system that keeps us smaller than what we are. Our existential
responsibility is to be true to the Life Force that brought us here. May we
live in such a way that we reflect the magnificence that is apparent in
everything else that came here of its own accord.
Once we understand that survival is an instinct based on
love, we can do away with the idea of success as a denial of our true selves.
If we formulate success as that which indicates that we are better than others,
we are simply suppressing a part of ourselves. True success is about allowing
the Universe to express itself through us.
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